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Sunday, September 17, 2023
PM Netanyahu's Meeting With Elon Musk Should Focus On Emergency Battery Storage Program For Apartment Buildings

PM Netanyahu's Meeting With Elon Musk Should Focus On Emergency Battery
Storage Program For Apartment Buildings
Dr. Aaron Lerner 17 September 2023

Given the escalating geopolitical tensions and the potential threats we
face, it is imperative that Prime Minister Netanyahu focus his upcoming
meeting with Elon Musk on launching an emergency program to deploy Tesla's
advanced battery storage systems suitable for apartment buildings across

The increasing risk of a series of large-scale rocket attacks and armed
drones poses a significant threat to our power distribution infrastructure.
These attack could also severely damage, or even incapacitate, a portion of
Israel's electricity production capacity. Tesla's battery storage systems
would make a significant contribution towards addressing these challenges.

The benefits of installing these battery storage systems in apartment
buildings across the country are multifaceted:

Bridging Power Outages: In the unfortunate event of our infrastructure being
damaged, these battery systems will serve as a lifeline, enabling civilians
to have access to essential power until the infrastructure is restored.
Solar panels might be added, where workable, to add to the resilience of the

Mitigating Rolling Brownouts: If our electricity production capacity is
compromised, leading to rolling brownouts, these batteries will ensure that
our citizens can maintain critical power. This includes essential functions
such as refrigeration, lighting, and other vital services. The batteries can
charge when power is available, ensuring uninterrupted critical power supply
during brownouts.

Enhancing Resilience and Reducing Public Pressure: Improving the resilience
of our population to the impact of such attacks serves a dual purpose. It
not only safeguards our citizens but also reduces public pressure for
retaliatory responses of a nature that the government may wish to avoid.

Tesla's Battery Systems: Tesla offers a range of battery storage solutions
that could be tailored to our needs. The Tesla Powerwall, for instance, is
designed for residential use and can be installed individually or in tandem
to increase capacity. For larger buildings or complexes, multiple Powerwalls
can be combined to create a more robust system.

Financial Considerations: It's essential to make these systems accessible to
all. For apartment committees in affluent areas, easy payment terms could be
offered for system installation. In contrast, in lower-income apartment
buildings, the government might consider subsidies or outright payment for
the systems, ensuring that every citizen, regardless of economic status, is

Engagement with Elon Musk: The success of this initiative hinges on Mr.
Musk's commitment. We need him to allocate production and supply capacity
specifically for this emergency program. Additionally, assigning a dedicated
Tesla team to interface with an Israeli team would expedite the program's
implementation. It's worth noting that while Tesla's significant battery
business dealings in Israel with Nofar Energy focus on large storage systems
for solar energy fields, our requirement is distinct and caters to
individual buildings.

Decentralized Systems for Enhanced Security: One of the primary reasons for
advocating individual apartment building systems is their inherent security
advantage. Decentralized systems are challenging to target, whereas
neighborhood storage systems could easily become prime targets, especially
in an era where low-cost attack drones are proliferating.

The integration of Tesla's battery storage systems will not only provide a
safety net for our civilians but also send a strong message of resilience
and preparedness to our adversaries. It will showcase our commitment to
safeguarding our nation and its people against any threat.

I appreciate that its possible to talk with Mr. Musk about AI and autonomous
cars but given the current situation the safety and security of our nation
depend on proactive measures like addressing the challenges of massive power
outages which could results from unprecedented airborne attacks against the
civilian Israeli population.

Discussions with Mr. Musk about AI and autonomous civilian vehicles can
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