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Wednesday, October 25, 2023
Technical note: Save thousands Israeli soldiers by using GBU-28 Bunker Buster before ground invasion (IAF has them since 2009)

Technical note: Save thousands Israeli soldiers by using GBU-28 Bunker Buster before ground invasion (IAF has them since 2009)
Dr. Aaron Lerner 23 October 2023

#1. The GBU-28 can punch through a 22 foot thick stack of steel reinforced concrete slabs with considerable energy to spare (citation below).

#2. Israel has the GBU-28 since 2009. F15 jets are used to bomb with the BGU-28.

Question: Will GBU-28 Bunker Busters demolish "underground Gaza" before Israeli ground forces enter an area where Hamas can kill thousands of Israeli soldiers - if not tens of thousands - if the IDF opts to fight in "underground Gaza" instead of destroying it first with GBU-28 Bunker Busters?

Raytheon / Texas Instruments GBU-28 Bunker Buster Technical Report APA-TR-2005-0501 by Dr Carlo Kopp, SMAIAA, SMIEEE, PEng https://www.ausairpower.net/GBU-28.html

... a rocket sled test was conducted at Holloman AFB in New Mexico. The bomb was fired against a 22 foot thick stack of steel reinforced concrete slabs. It punched through the whole stack and then travelled for over a half mile before it ran out of energy.

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