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Saturday, November 4, 2023
You applaud those Gazans who decline to walk to safety?? IMRA to Nicholas Griffin, Executive Director Americans for Middle East Understanding

You applaud those Gazans who decline to walk to safety?? IMRA to Nicholas Griffin, Executive Director Americans for Middle East Understanding
From: Dr. Aaron Lerner
Sent: Saturday, November 4, 2023 6:10 PM
To: ameu@aol.com
Subject: You applaud those Gazans who decline to walk to safety?

Dear Nicholas Griffin,

The overwhelming majority of parents in northern Gaza decided to value the lives of their families and took the short walk to the safety south of wadi Gaza.

Do you feel that the minority of parents who opted to remain in northern Gaza as human shields made a moral decision ?

I see that you direct an organization which is for "understanding" the Middle East.

I "understand" why some Gazan parents are willing to sacrifice their families as human shields just as I "understand" why a young Arab man may slaughter his sister to protect his family's reputation.

But there is a world of difference between "understanding" and "condoning".

Dr. Aaron Lerner - IMRA

On 3 Nov 2023, at 23:52, mailto:ameu@aol.com wrote:

Dear Aaron Lerner,

You are a truly twisted, soulless execrable person.

Nicholas Griffin, Executive Director
Americans for Middle East Understanding

On Friday, November 3, 2023 at 10:06:48 AM EDT, mailto:imra@imra.org.il wrote:
Secretary Blinken, shame on you for holding Gazan parents blameless for sacrificing their children Dr. Aaron Lerner 3 November 2023

I wish I could say that I am shocked by what Secretary Blinken has just said from Jerusalem.

But with a heavy heart, I am not surprised.

Shame on you, Mr. Blinken, for holding Gazan parents blameless for choosing to martyr their innocent families as human shields for Hamas terrorists, instead of joining the hundreds of thousands who took the short walk to the safety of South Gaza.

Instead, you call on us to sacrifice our own fathers, brothers, and sons in the service of your bizarre morality, which rewards Hamas for using human shields.

Of course, as expected, in the service of your fantasy about a two-state solution, you keep your eyes and ears shut with regards to how "peace partner" Fatah fits into what has transpired.

To be clear, while we appreciate the support that the United States has provided in this trying period, your words make it crystal clear to us just how dangerous it would be for the Jewish State to succumb to your foolish notions.
IMRA - Independent Media Review and Analysis

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