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Saturday, January 13, 2024
Observation: Limited Window of Opportunity to Exploit Newly Developed Ability to Operate in Hamas Tunnels Before Hamas Implements Solutions

Observation: Limited Window of Opportunity to Exploit Newly Developed
Ability to Operate in Hamas Tunnels Before Hamas Implements Solutions
Dr. Aaron Lerner, 13 January 2024

It is reported that since the invasion of the Gaza Strip, the IDF has
succeeded in developing and implementing technologies and techniques which
now enable Israeli forces to carry out operations within the Hamas tunnels.

This is a major achievement, as without this significant jump in
capabilities, we would find ourselves unable to effectively clear out Hamas

However, it is only a matter of time before Hamas implements changes in
their tunnels to counter the new Israeli technologies and techniques.

And, of course, our "window of opportunity" to operate within the Hamas
tunnels would close considerably faster in the event of a ceasefire, during
which Hamas can more readily move men and equipment around.

The talking heads suggesting that we can somehow walk away from this war and
return to it at our convenience sometime in the future are ignoring the
existence of this window.

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