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Saturday, January 27, 2024
Weekly Commentary: Exploit Flour Supply To Gaza To Lay Groundwork For "Day After"

Weekly Commentary: Exploit Flour Supply To Gaza To Lay Groundwork For "Day
Dr. Aaron Lerner - 27 January 2024

Our Government has already decided to supply 150 truckloads of American
flour to the Gaza Strip.

I am not here to discuss the wisdom of this decision but rather how we can
make the most of it.

We have a vested interest in the emergence of local alternatives to Hamas in
the Gaza Strip.

That's "local alternatives," rather than branches or representatives of
Palestinian movements or organizations.

The challenge is to find ways for such "local alternatives" to be involved
in the supply chain for the distribution of this flour in the Gaza Strip.

It is a win-win situation:

For the "local alternatives," it is an opportunity to serve their public and
enhance their respect and authority in an activity with minimal exposure to
charges of being quislings.

For Israel, the move facilitates supplying the flour without bolstering
Hamas's standing in the Gaza Strip while also making progress towards the
development of "local alternatives" to interface with for the "day after."

We have a lot of smart people in COGAT and elsewhere who can figure this

The "trick" is to make the goal of the "flour operation" facilitating the
development of local alternatives to Hamas rather than simply finding a safe
way to transfer 150 truckloads of American flour into the Gaza Strip.

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