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Monday, February 12, 2024
Prepare Detailed Plans for Surprise Annexation Response to Unilateral American Recognition of Sovereign Palestine

Prepare Detailed Plans for Surprise Annexation Response to Unilateral
American Recognition of Sovereign Palestine
Dr. Aaron Lerner, 12 February 2024

It is with a genuinely heavy heart that I note, at this point in time, it is
literally impossible to know who is truly in charge at the White House today
and who will be setting policy tomorrow.

And with an even heavier heart, I note that if President Biden is in charge,
his current condition only adds to the uncertainty.

A few days ago, it would have been silly to propose a response to unilateral
recognition of a sovereign Palestinian state by the United States.

Today, anything is possible.

So, here we go.

Israel should prepare a response that would effectively take a sovereign
Palestinian state, which could threaten Israel's survival, off of the table.

1. Annex Area C plus Tulkarem and Qalqilya and the Jordan Valley with
Jericho, granting full citizenship rights to anyone in the annexed areas.

2. Treat the remaining Palestinian population centers in Judea and Samaria
as separate autonomous entities, with their residents enjoying freedom of
movement and employment inside Israel.

While capitals around the world would no doubt proclaim their condemnation
of this bold move, the response on the ground would be dramatically

Israeli citizenship would be the "jackpot" for the Palestinians in the
annexed areas. The sky's the limit for what they can do to advance their
lives both as individuals and as part of voting blocs in the Knesset.

Those not lucky enough to be annexed would also find themselves blessed with
the opportunity to both work inside Israel and easily engage in commerce
with the Israeli market.

Each of the remaining autonomous population centers would have its own local
leadership with their own interests.

Consider Hebron. It is an industrial powerhouse with many modern,
well-equipped factories and the tax base that goes with it.

To be clear: I am not describing a move that would be embraced by everyone
in the national camp.

That's why Netanyahu showed a "Swiss cheese" annexation map of the Jordan
Valley, which did not include any Arab communities.

Such a "Swiss cheese" annexation couldn't possibly stop an American
unilaterally recognized sovereign Palestinian state juggernaut.

In sharp contrast, the proposed dramatic move, which would greatly benefit
the Palestinians, could readily turn the American initiative into a dead

And, fortunately, it's a move that could be completed in literally a single
fast vote of the cabinet.

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