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Thursday, May 23, 2024
Weekly Commentary: Chief of Staff Halevi Supports Operation White Flag

Weekly Commentary: Chief of Staff Halevi Supports Operation White Flag
Dr. Aaron Lerner 23 May 2024

"Chief of Staff, Lt. Gen. Herzi Halevi, stated during the war cabinet
meeting that a hostage deal at this time is not only the right thing to do
from a military, moral, and ethical standpoint, but also the right strategic
move. According to the Chief of Staff, in the short term, such a deal
arranges the arenas in our favor - and therefore there is an urgent need to
try to reach it. The intention is that a ceasefire in Gaza will lead to
immediate calm in the north as well, and to the possibility of reaching an
arrangement with Hezbollah."
YNET 23 May 2024

Let's walk through what the COS is saying:

1. He is eager for a ceasefire with Hamas.

2. He hopes that if there is a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip, a deal can be
made with Hezbollah.

Let's put on our thinking caps:

1. Hezbollah has clearly linked its escalating tit-for-tat with Israel to
IDF operations in the Gaza Strip.

2. The continuation of the calm the COS seeks in the north in an arrangement
with Hezbollah would hinge on our never renewing our operations against

1 + 2 = 3. Chief of Staff Halevi supports a permanent ceasefire in the Gaza
Strip. That live hostages might actually be released is a nice byproduct of
the political need to justify "Operation White Flag" as being required by a
hostage deal.

What a profound disappointment.

If Halevi wants to surrender, we would be better off if he resigned so that
someone who wants to lead in the defense of our country can take his place.

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