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Tuesday, June 11, 2024
Radical Proposal For Haredi IDF Exemptions: 3,000 Chosen Lottery 324 Sanhedrin Pioneers

Radical Proposal For Haredi IDF Exemptions: 3,000 Chosen Lottery 324
Sanhedrin Pioneers
Dr. Aaron Lerner 11 June 2024

One Likud MK proposed today that we set a quota for IDF Haredi exemptions
instead of Haredi draft goals.

So here we go:

Step #1 Anyone age 18-22 who today could be a candidate for a Haredi IDF
exemption is notified that, unless they advise the authorities by a
deadline, they are automatically entered in the "The Chosen Lottery".

Step #2 The names of the 3,000 entrees randomly picked from The Chosen
Lottery who enjoy a permanent exemption from IDF service are announced.

Step #3 Each yeshiva which had students who received an IDF exemption
because they attended the yeshiva receives a "Sanhedrin Pioneers" draft
deferment voucher.

The mathematical value of the voucher:

324 = 18 x 18 ("chai x chai) = the total number of Sanhedrin Pioneers to
receive permanent exemption from IDF service

V = the value of a transferable and divisible Sanhedrin Pioneers voucher

Y = the number of number of students recorded in 2023 as receiving the IDF
exemption because they attended the specific yeshiva

TOTAL-Y = The grand total number of yeshiva students in Israel who received
an exemption from IDF service in 2023 because they were attending yeshiva.

V = (324 x Y) / TOTAL-Y

Now, of course, each individual voucher will not be a whole number.

In point of fact, many yeshivas will have vouchers which are considerably
smaller than unity (1).

The Israeli authorities would have absolutely no say over what the yeshivas
do with their vouchers.

Step #4 At the close of "Sanhedrin Pioneers DeadlIne Day" the Israeli
authorities announce the names of the yeshiva students who accumulated
voucher credits totaling at least unity (1) and thus have a permanent
exemption from IDF service.

Here are the advantages of this system:

1. "The Chosen Lottery" takes out of human hands which 3,000 haredis get
permanent exemptions.

2. The "Sanhedrin Pioneers" voucher system leaves it up to Haredi society to
choose 324 individuals to get permanent exemptions.

3. The Israeli authorities expend no effort monitoring what the total of
3,324 actually do with their lives. That's up to haredi society.

After the first year the same process is carried out for each new 18 year
old age cohort with no change in either the number of winners in The Chosen
Lottery (3,000) or the 324 chosen by Haredi society to get a permanent
exemption via the Sanhedrin Pioneers vouchers.

And what about the rest?

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Dina D'malchuta Dina

"The law of the land is the law."

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