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Tuesday, June 25, 2024
Weekly Commentary: Hezbollah Missiles Not On America’s Agenda While Intact Hamas and Palestinian State Is

Weekly Commentary: Hezbollah Missiles Not On America’s Agenda While Intact Hamas and Palestinian State Is
Dr. Aaron Lerner 25 June 2024

Transcript of Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III Welcoming Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant to the Pentagon
June 25, 2024

... we're urgently seeking a diplomatic agreement that restores lasting calm to Israel's northern border and enables civilians to return safely to their homes on both sides of the Israel-Lebanon border, and I look forward to working with you on this urgent issue, Mr. Minister....

...The onus is on Hamas to accept this roadmap to a durable end to this war...

...increase security in the West Bank and bring stability to Gaza by ...moving on a path towards a two-state solution.

So here is the score:

#1. The hundreds of thousands of Hezbollah rockets and guided missiles which threaten Israel are not even on the agenda.

#2. Hamas remains in power in Gaza.

#3. A sovereign Palestinian state come what may.

Here is Defense Minister Gallant's response:

...We must end the terrorist regime of Hamas.

...In the north, we are determined to establish security, changing the reality on the ground and bringing our communities safely back home. We are working closely together to achieve an agreement, but we must also discuss readiness for every possible scenario.

...now is the time to realize the commitment of the American administrations over the years to promise to prevent Iran on possessing nuclear weapon.

#1. The hundreds of thousands of Hezbollah rockets and guided missiles which threaten Israel are not even explicitly on the agenda.
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