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Thursday, July 18, 2024
Weekly Commentary: Netanyahu to finally fly on plane with proper Command and Control (CAC)

Weekly Commentary: Netanyahu to finally fly on plane with proper CAC
Dr. Aaron Lerner 18 July 2024

I have bad news and good news:

The bad news is that our situation today is so profoundly dangerous that Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu must be in a position to make critical decisions 24/7.

The good news is that Netanyahu will fly to Washington on “Wing of Zion” - a plane outfitted with the equipment required to provide the secure bandwidth and other equipment needed so that Netanyahu has an almost seamless interface with the information he would rely on if he were sitting in the “Pit” - the underground Command and Control Center in the Kirya in Tel Aviv.

“Wing of Zion” flew to America this week to preposition equipment for the visit too heavy to take with the passengers next week.

I would assume that a team also carried out a series of tests of the systems during the flights.

To be clear: Every flight which Israel’s prime ministers took until today without using the plane was a flight during which secure communications were extremely limited. And there were incidents in which this communications problem seriously handicapped operations.

No one challenged the existence of the problem- but no leader had the intestinal fortitude to put the country’s needs over suffering the bad press associated with flying the plane due to the various special features of the plane for the use of the prime minister (shower, nice bed, etc.).

So the good news is that there’s an adult in the room.

The bad news is what it took to make Netanyahu act like an adult on this matter.
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