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Sunday, August 25, 2024
Israeli Chief Army Censor Directive to the Media - Update #10 The Current Regional Escalation

25 August 2024
Israeli Chief Army Censor Directive to the Media - Update #10 The Current Regional Escalation

1. The attack by Iran and Hezbollah against the State of Israel has the potential to escalate into a widespread, multi-front conflict.

2. This development highlights the need to take all possible steps to prevent the publication of details that could harm Israeli forces and the security of the State of Israel.

3. In addition to the previous guidelines sent to you, please find attached the current and updated list of topics that are required to be submitted to the Media Censor prior to their publication:

a. Order of battle - troop movements heading towards or located in the north; rally and assembly areas; roads and routes used by the army. tI is forbidden to broadcast visual material (either still photographs or video material) that could identify the identity, scope or location of troops in the field.

b. Operational plans - troop movements and maneuvers, deceptive or otherwise; phases in and the planned duration of any operations; additional operational plans.

c. Intelligence - any intelligence concerning the intentions and capabilities of the enemy.

d. Rocket attacks - damage caused to strategic national infrastructure or to military bases. Disruption of the operational continuity of the aforementioned and/or the ability to provide essential services.

Logistical endurance and vulnerabilities in Israeli defense abilities - details concerning stocks of equipment and ammunition - this includes air and missile defence systems and any other weapons systems; the condition of I.D.F. equipment; unique and classified weapon systems used by the I.D.F.

e. Regional partners - any joint activities. This includes any assistance given to identify and intercept incoming air threats; any intelligence provided by them or shared with them.

4. Broadcasting live footage of armed forces in the field, near bases, or at locations where the Iron Dome system is deployed is strictly prohibited. All such material must be submitted to the Media Censor for approval prior to its broadcast.

5. Please update your staff of the contents of this letter, with an emphasis on the news desk, political reporters, commentators and field reporters.

6. Contact details:xxxx

Yours Sincerely,
Kobi Mandelblit
Brigadier General, Chief Censor
IMRA - Independent Media Review and Analysis

Since 1992 providing news and analysis on the Middle East with a focus on Arab-Israeli relations

Website: www.imra.org.il

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