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Thursday, September 26, 2024
Rumors that Ceasefire So That Sara Netanyahu Can Shop In New York False

Rumors that Ceasefire So That Sara Netanyahu Can Shop In New York Totally
Dr. Aaron Lerner 26 September 2024

The instructions which PM Netanyahu reportedly gave to the IDF today to
reduce operations against Hezbollah in anticipation of a 21 day "pause" are
in no way motivated by an interest to make it possible for Sara Netanyahu to
go shopping in New York.

Prime Minister Netanyahu's wife, Sara, is indeed accompanying him on the
flight to New York, but the rumors that Sara's shipping plans, if she even
has such plans, have anything to do with Mr. Netanyahu's decision to ease up
on Hezbollah, are false.
Prime Minister's Office Statement

The Prime Minister's Office, today (Thursday, 26 September 2024) [translated from Hebrew]:

The report about a ceasefire is incorrect. This is an American-French proposal that the Prime Minister has not even responded to.

The report about the purported directive to ease up on the fighting in the north is the opposite of the truth. The Prime Minister has directed the IDF to continue fighting with full force, according to the plan that was presented to him.

The fighting in Gaza will also continue until all the objectives of the war have been achieved.
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