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Friday, October 18, 2024
Minister Smotrich Slams Haredis Who Denigrate IDF Service

Minister Smotrich Slams Haredis Who Denigrate IDF Service
(IMRA translation of his 16 October 2024 Twitter post )

Between Yom Kippur and Sukkot.
Between the building of the spirit and the building of the material for the people of Israel.

These are days when I walk in sacred fear, again and again, from family to family, from one shiva (mourning) to another, of our heroic fighters, the most righteous who fell defending the people and the land, and no one can stand in their presence.

On the eve of Sukkot, after more difficult but necessary days for the people of Israel, I read with heart-piercing pain the words of some members of the Haredi factions, my coalition partners, regarding the sacred duty of service in the Israel Defense Forces.

Service that in no way contradicts the study of Torah and the fear of Heaven, as proven by the tens of thousands of fighters from religious Zionism, who combine the book (Torah) and the sword with courage and sanctification of God’s name.

Service in the IDF is a duty, a privilege, and a commandment. Certainly not a problem.

The disregard by some of our Haredi brothers of this duty, whatever the reasons or concerns may be, during wartime and in general, is an injustice that requires a fundamental correction.

We are in historic times regarding this matter, which will allow us to make this correction, and so it will be, with God’s help and determination.

I also firmly reject attempts to irresponsibly set an ultimatum regarding the approval of the state budget, which is necessary for the war and for economic resilience.

“All of Israel is worthy to dwell in one sukkah,” says the Talmud in Tractate Sukkah.

I pray and hope that we will all know how to enter together under the Israeli sukkah, and with God’s help, we will also together be victorious.

Happy holiday to all of the House of Israel.

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