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Monday, January 27, 2025
Pres. Trump correct: Don't spend billions on buildings Israel will need to destroy - relocate the Gazans

Pres. Trump correct: Don't spend billions on buildings Israel will need to
destroy - relocate the Gazans
Dr. Aaron lerner 27 January 2025

Hamas proudly proclaims that they are going to rebuild. That's rebuild
their military, to continue their struggle to destroy Israel.

President Trump is correct that the solution for the Gazans is to relocate
them rather waste literally tens of billions of dollars erecting buildings
in the Gaza Strip which Israel will have to destroy in a future war.

President Trump is also correct in noting that, in the absence of the Gazan
terrorists and their supporters, which is basically the current
population of Gaza, the location has fantastic potential for large
beachfront resorts.

So it may be possible that part of the costs of building permanent housing
for Gazans in other countries might be covered by leasing the Gaza Strip,
after it is emptied of the terror supporting population, to resort
developers, in long term leases.

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