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Thursday, February 20, 2025
Weekly Commentary: No Hamas Means No Hamas. Period

Weekly Commentary: No Hamas Means No Hamas. Period
Dr. Aaron Lerner 20 February 2025

We have an example of an evacuation:
Plan for the Departure from Lebanon of the PLO Leadership, Offices, and
Combatants in Beirut

20 August 1982

1. Basic Concept. All the PLO leadership, offices, and combatants in Beirut
will leave Lebanon peacefully for pre-arranged destinations in other
countries, in accord with the departure schedules and arrangements set out
in this plan. The basic concept in this plan is consistent with the
objective of the Government of Lebanon that all foreign military forces
withdraw from Lebanon.


They all left.


And that's what needs to happen in the Gaza Strip with Hamas and the other
terror groups.

They ALL leave.

ALL the combatants.

ALL the leadership, be it military or political.

ALL the staffs, military, political or otherwise.

No playing games that any of them can stick around in the Gaza Strip while
others ostensibly are in charge.

Because we cannot afford to play any more games.
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