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Saturday, March 22, 2025
Mr. Trump: Iran must dismantle its uranium enrichment program - not just verify it!

Mr. Trump: Iran must dismantle its uranium enrichment program - not just
verify it!
Dr. Aaron Lerner 22 March 2025

"[President Trump] sent a letter to the Iranians. We should create a
verification program so that nobody worries about weaponization of your
nuclear material."
Steve Witkoff's Interview on The Tucker Carlson Show March 21, 2025

I sincerely hope that Mr. Witkoff's description of President Trump's letter
to Iran is inaccurate.

With Iran having reached "zero breakout time" I would expect that the letter
demands that Iran, under supervision, completely dismantle its uranium
enrichment program followed by an ongoing verification program to ensure
that Iran never launches such a program again.
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